24 Monica And Chandler Moments That Will Open Up Your Heart To Love

    Shark porn. Turkey dance. Swing Kings.

    We asked members of the BuzzFeed Community to tell us their favorite Monica and Chandler moments from Friends. Here are some of the best results.

    1. When Ben was born and Chandler basically future-proposed to Monica.

    Suggested by jennifern49169f1d8

    2. When Chandler reassured her that she's good enough.

    3. When Chandler saved Monica by peeing on her.

    4. When Monica was...well...seven.

    5. When Monica tried to be Chandler's fitness coach.

    6. When they first saw each other naked.

    7. Whenever Chandler and Monica would attempt to hide their relationship.

    8. When Monica ordered food from beneath the bubbles.

    Suggested by calic4e1459fe6

    9. When Monica put a turkey on her head and Chandler said "I love you" for the first time.

    10. When Chandler crumbled under Phoebe's pressure and admitted he loves Monica.

    Suggested by Kassie Lizama, Facebook

    11. When they're doing the crossword puzzle together.

    12. When Monica got down on one knee and proposed to Chandler.

    13. When Chandler told Monica how he imagines their future together.

    Suggested by cartervari

    14. When they take engagement photos together.

    15. When Monica traded in her wedding dress for the Swing Kings after Chandler told her why he loves the band so much.

    16. When Chandler kissed another woman to get their wedding photos, but it was OK because Monica opened all the presents.

    17. When they said they didn't need free stuff, but they really, really did.

    18. When Monica claimed she's not high maintenance, but Chandler told her she most definitely is.

    19. When they still ended up together in the alternate reality.

    20. When Chandler saved the day in Barbados and revealed he knows how to play ping pong.

    Suggested by Jasmine Rockwell, Facebook

    21. When Monica totally thought Chandler was into shark porn.

    22. When Chandler told Erica just how great a mother Monica would be.

    Suggested by Wendy Dickens, Facebook

    23. When Monica calmed Chandler down when they realized they were going to have twins.

    Suggested by jennifern49169f1d8

    24. And finally, when Chandler asked, "What did I marry into?"

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