This Election Is Literally Making Us Sick

    Let's just blame your cold on politics.

    If you currently feel like a sneezing, sniffling garbage human, you may be able to blame that on the election.

    This has arguably been one of the most stressful — and, at times, batshit crazy — elections ever.

    This kind of persistent stress can do a number on your immune system.

    Not to mention your typical debate-night shenanigans: drinking, stress-eating, and screaming at the TV.

    And how's your sleep these days? If you've spent more than a few nights reading the latest scoop (plus at least three hot takes on it), I'm guessing it's not ideal.

    All of this is to say that the election is making us stressed AF and quite possibly physically ill.

    So if you're battling a nasty cold these days, go ahead and blame it on the election.

    We'll get through these next 25 days together — hopefully.