Tell Us About Your Abortion

    Any details you'd like to give, we'd like to hear.

    As abortion access continues to be hotly debated by politicians, there's one perspective we don't seem to be hearing enough of these days: people who have actually had an abortion.

    Because no one story can speak for everyone who's been there, it's more important than ever to share the wide range of experiences that people face in this situation.

    Maybe your abortion was an easy decision and a relatively quick procedure; maybe this was a wanted pregnancy, but a health complication interfered; maybe you experienced so many barriers to access or afford an abortion that you attempted to terminate the pregnancy yourself; maybe you regret your choice; maybe your abortion wasn't really your choice at all.

    We want to hear about your abortion experience.

    You can submit your story (anonymously if you'd like) in the form below. You can also view the form here, which might be easier on mobile. Feel free to include as few or as many details as you'd like.