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Here Are Some Graphic Pictures Of What Can Happen When You Drink Outside

Warning: This will ruin your summer.

Well, this just looks damn delicious, doesn't it?

Too bad no one ever told you that lime juice + skin + sun = a fucking nightmare.

It's called phytophotodermatitis, and it happens when your skin is exposed to both lime juice and UV rays.

Check out the poor hands of BuzzFeed's Farrah Penn, who thought she'd do a nice thing like make margaritas and spend some time outside.

I sadly did the exact same thing last summer. This is why we can't have nice things.

Phytophotodermatitis is a reaction that happens when oil or dander from certain plants gets on your skin and then that's exposed to UV light, which results in a chemical burn.

But limes aren't the only culprit — the oils are also found in other citrus fruits, celery, wild parsnip, wild dill, wild parsley, and some wildflowers.

The best way to avoid it is to know that it exists and wash off thoroughly whenever you're exposed to this stuff.

So what if you accidentally slip up and notice THIS?

If you notice a mild reaction (some redness, burning, or swelling), Davis suggests applying a 1% hydrocortisone cream two or three times a day. If it's more severe (deeper red, very swollen, lots of blistering or skin eroding), see your doctor ASAP to get a prescription-strength cream. Keep in mind that some reactions may start mild and get worse, so if the hydrocortisone cream isn't helping, go to your doctor.

OK...you fucked up and it's bad. What can you expect?

SO, if your summer plans involve margaritas, Coronas with lime, citrus fruits, or any off-trail hiking, WASH UP IMMEDIATELY.