19 Taylor Swift Lyrics That Perfectly Describe Having The Flu

    Baby I'm just gonna shake, shake, shake, shake, shake... with this miserable fever.

    1. When you're feeling perfectly healthy... but then your sick coworker comes to work and sneezes all over you anyway.

    2. When you start coughing the next day.

    3. And then your throat starts to hurt... and your nose gets a bit stuffy... and you're starting to feel really gross...

    4. And everything is ATTACKING YOUR SENSES.

    5. And it occurs to you that this is just the beginning.

    6. When you just need to go lie down. Somewhere. Anywhere.

    7. When your fever kicks into gear.

    8. And you are genuinely shocked at how terrible you feel.

    9. When you spend a bit too much time on WebMD.

    10. When you begin to think in all seriousness that this might be the end.

    11. And if it's not the end, then it's how you are going to feel. Forever.

    12. When you are a LITERAL snot monster, sweating and freezing at the same time, going from hot to cold to hot to cold...

    13. When you've had a BIT too much NyQuil...

    14. When bae needs to go to work but you won't stay alive without them, DON'T THEY GET THIS.

    15. And when they ACTUALLY go to work and you're upset about it all day long.

    16. When you get to the point where you're actually ANGRY with the flu. As if it were a person.

    17. When you've been doing nothing but watching Netflix and feeling like death for about four days in a ROW NOW.

    18. When you wake up on day 5 and don't actually feel like you've been hit by a garbage truck. PROGRESS.

    19. When the worst is finally, definitely FINALLY FUCKING OVER... but you still have a cough that lasts for like weeks.