Here's What Happens If You Take The Morning-After Pill All The Time

    Let's get to the bottom of this, once and for all.

    The morning-after pill is a form of emergency contraception that can prevent pregnancy when taken after having unprotected sex.

    FYI: The morning-after pill is not the same as the abortion pill.

    Since the morning-after pill is really meant for emergencies, you might be wondering if it's harmful to take it too often.

    First let's start with Ella, the prescription-only morning-after pill. This one should not be taken more than once per menstrual cycle.

    On the other hand, taking Plan B is basically like taking a ton of birth control at once. And it isn't going to hurt you if you take it multiple times.

    Obviously, though, taking such a high dose of hormones could cause irregular bleeding and mess with your menstrual cycle — which isn't ideal.

    But there's no evidence that repeated use of Plan B will cause permanent damage to your reproductive organs or cause infertility.

    So why do the experts still advise against using Plan B regularly? Because it simply isn't as effective as other birth control methods.

    What can increase your risk of infertility is all the unprotected (so, without a condom) sex you have before taking the morning-after pill.

    Finally, emergency contraception can get pricey — up to $50 a pop — so frequent use will cost you a lot of money.

    There's definitely a time and place for the morning-after pill, but it's not the most effective or affordable option for reliable birth control.

    And if you've already taken the morning-after pill a handful of times, don't stress or worry that you've caused long-term damage — it's totally safe.