Transfer Plan-It Purple Carey Hawk Squad

    Welcome to your first part of Orientation to the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater!

    Today Is Not As Bad As It Seems!!! :)

    1. What did you just go through?

    2. Introductions are in order I guess right?

    Shadowing Today Is...

    3. Now sit back, relax, and listen about what UWW has to offer you!

    4. First Year Experience!!!

    5. Parking

    6. You need to sleep somewhere to catch some ZZZZ

    7. Did someone say food?

    Alright you just heard a lot of information, does anyone have any questions???

    8. We care about your health and safety on campus!


    10. How to be involved on campus!

    Or Keep it Simple

    Attend sport games, with Purple Reign (School fan club)

    Enjoy the Arts (Music, Theatre, Art)

    Live entertainment (Down Under or Jitters)

    Movie every weekend in Summers Auditorium for $1!!!

    Before we get to some of the harder stuff, any new questions?

    11. Not good with technology? These people are!

    12. Academic Advising

    13. Let's talk $$$$$

    14. Student Accounts

    Let's quickly do some paperwork!

    15. Time to register for classes!!!

    16. What's Next???

    17. LET'S EAT!!!