26 Things College Seniors Won't Miss Saying Once They Graduate

    Just think, you'll never have to read another syllabus again.

    So you're graduating. It might feel like the end of the world right now, but think of all the things you'll never have to say again!

    1. "What? The class is already full?! I haven't even gotten to sign up yet."

    2. "Wait, this textbook is how much?"

    3. "And now you're telling me after I dropped $150 I don't even NEED this book?"

    4. "I lost my syllabus."

    5. "God, what if I run into (person you hooked up with at the first party of the year) going to class?"

    6. "My professor only allows us to miss one class, and I've already used it."

    7. "I will never use the information from this class in the real world."

    8. "I didn't do the reading."

    9. "I'm not sure I can afford to pre-game AND go out five nights a week."

    10. "We really need to establish a time for the group to get this presentation together."

    EXCEPT NO ONE WANTS TO HELP AT ALL. Do I have to do everything?!

    11. "I can't stay out too late. I have to get up for my 8 AM."

    12. "I can't go tonight. I have a night class."

    13. "I can't really go in my room, because my roommate and her 'friend' are 'studying.'"

    14. On a Saturday: "I haven't started studying for my Monday exam."

    15. "What grade do I need to get on this final to keep from staying another semester?"

    16. "I have three research papers due next week and I really don't know when I'll be able to do them."

    17. "I'm going to need to pull an all-nighter to finish this."

    18. "The majority of this essay is me bullshitting words."

    19. "I'm going to be a little late, because I CAN'T FIND A PARKING SPOT ANYWHERE ON THIS DAMN CAMPUS."

    20. "I can't really have too much fun during spring break, because midterms are the next week."

    21. "I only got a B on this test. What did you get?" (OR ANY OTHER UNNECESSARILY COMPETITIVE COMMENT)

    22. "I can't go to dinner. I need to spend my meal points."

    23. "Does anyone have any extra meal points?"

    24. "I have three finals on the same day."

    25. "Is getting another degree worth not going into the real world?"

    26. "What am I going to do with my life?"