New Ad: "Mitt Romney No Tiene Vergüenza!"

White House allies Priorities USA and SEIU are airing this Spanish-language radio ad in an effort to damage Romney in Florida, now and in November. Or, better still, to make Newt Gingrich the nominee.

Listen to the ad, in Spanish, here.

And here's the script in English:

Mitt Romney has no shame. He shows one face to the Hispanic community and another completely different one to everyone else.

On the one hand, he launches a commercial here in Florida targeted to Hispanic voters to try and convince us that he shares our values.

But in another state he boasts about having the endorsement of Kris Kobach, a leader in the anti-Hispanic movement and author of many anti-immigrant laws like Arizona’s SB 1070 that unfairly attack our families and spread fear and uncertainty in our communities.

Romney says he cares about our children, but he has promised to veto the DREAM Act that would open the doors of opportunity for young Hispanics.

His Spanish-language ads say Romney “believes in us”, but his deeds speak for themselves.

Let’s not be fooled. He might have two faces, but we know all too well who the true Mitt Romney is.

Paid for by SEIU-COPE. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

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