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    The Definitive Ranking Of A Teenage Girl's Friendships

    All the way from Bestie-to frenemy

    1. Best friend/Bestie

    A girls bestie is her sister, her confidant, someone she can always be herself with. They do everything together and would do anything for each other. A girl tells her best friend everything. EVERY. THING. No secrets. There are pretty much no boundaries in this friendship.

    2. Good Friend

    A step below the best friend, this is someone who has got your back all the time. You tell them almost everything but there are still somethings that you feel you can't share with them. There are still a few lines in this friendship that you don't cross.

    3. Friend

    This person is part of your "crowd." Generally a girl has a bunch of friends, they're the people she hangs around with. She feels pretty comfortable with them and has fun joking around with them, but she still has some of her walls up while with them.

    4. The "so-so" friend

    When someone asks you if you're friends with someone and you hesitate before saying yes, then you have a so-so friend. They're pretty cool, you don't know them that well though. You chat a little bit, but mostly they are just someone who hangs out with the same people you do.

    5. The Best friend wannabe

    This is someone who really wishes that they were your best friend. They treat you like you're their bestie, telling you everything about them and all their secrets which you may or may not even want to hear. But they tell you anyways, hoping that you'll reciprocate the feelings.

    6. The annoying friend

    She's that friend that you like for a few minutes, and then she becomes super irritating. When you arrive somewhere and see that she is also there, you try and avoid contact but it inevitably happens anyways. Still, when you buy those concert tickets and suddenly your friend can't go but you already spent the money and no one else can go either, she's the one you call.

    7. The acquaintance

    She's the one that you've seen before but never really talked to. When people mention her name you say things like "oh yeah, I know of her." or "she's the one with the dark hair and great skin, right?" You know some random facts about how she has a cat named Meowth and her dad works as a mechanic, because other people have talked about her to you.

    8. Your best friend's friend

    AKA: competition. This is someone you're outwardly nice to(only because she's your bestie's friend) but you try to find subtle ways to let her know that this is your best friend. So she better not get any ideas.

    9. The weird one

    This is the girl who randomly starts singing her thoughts instead of saying them, she also has a bad habit of giving you TMI and doesn't get the concept of personal space. Everyone finds her strange and yet she always gets invited everywhere.

    10. Enemy

    Oh you hate her. You hate her face, you hate her clothes, you hate the way she acts and the way she talks, you just hate her and everything about her.

    11. Frenemy

    The frenemy is much worse than your enemy. A frenemy is a girl's take on the "keep your friends close and your enemies closer" motto. She's the one you pretend to like. When you're around each other you laugh and chat it up, but the conversation is actually filled with competitive tension and passive aggressive remarks. Shine up your back-handed compliments because she's the one you feel most threatened by. And that's why you need to keep and eye on her.