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Tell Us What Is The Worst Christmas Present That You Unintentionally Gave Someone

Look, you're not Santa, and mistakes happen.

Alright, I think it's safe to say one of the best things (or the best thing — depending on how you feel) about Christmas is getting gifts.

And, of course, equally as great is giving gifts away!

But giving gifts can sometimes be tricky, and you can end up giving someone a present that they'll truly hate.

So we want to know: What is the worst Christmas present that you unintentionally gave someone?

Maybe you accidentally regifted a gift to someone who had given you that item as a present — which led to an awkward moment.

Or perhaps you got your S.O. what you thought was a funny gag gift, but they just did not find it funny at all.

Maybe you were doing a white elephant gift exchange, but you were the only one who brought a gift that NOBODY would want.

Or perhaps you weren't the one who gave the gift, but you witnessed a friend or relative give a gift to someone that you knew was just so, so wrong.

So it's time to fess up to those bad Christmas gifts you gave. Tell us in the comments, and your response could be featured in a future BuzzFeed Community post!