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25 Important Life Lessons Michael Scott From "The Office" Taught Us

"I am Beyoncé, always."

1. Never be afraid to say something, even if you have no idea what you're saying:

2. Don't be afraid to go against what society says:

3. Everyone has one of those days:

4. It's important to inspire others:

5. Everyone should have a chance to share the spotlight:

6. Don't be a afraid to show your emotions:

7. Always strive to be a team leader:

8. It's important to know your history:

9. Try to find a happy medium, whenever possible:

10. You should always be a little introspective:

11. Don't be afraid to be honest with people:

12. And of course, be honest with yourself:

13. It's important not to categorize people because of their sexuality:

14. You should have a great sense of humor:

15. It's important to be loved:

16. Always be up on the latest music...

17. ...and the latest slang:

18. Seize the moment, or you'll regret it later:

19. Experiment with your personal style:

20. Always take a strong stance, even if your opinion might be controversial:

21. Don't put limits on yourself:

22. Never give up on finding true love:

23. When all else fails, play dumb:

24. It's important to get your freak on:

25. And never be afraid to ask the tough questions: