22 Current Problems ’90s Kids Have

    "When you wake up with the Skip-It theme stuck in your head."

    1. When you automatically enter PO Box 963, New York City, New York State,10108 into Lyft:

    2. When it’s been 20 years, but the some ~deep~ questions still keep you up at night:

    3. When you realize that dancing along to the Spice Girls could land you in the ER:

    4. When you suddenly remember all those Tamagatchis you forgot to feed:

    5. When you feel like you might've as well asked for a horse and buggy:

    6. When you've got to explain your awesome Halloween costume to the chirruns:

    7. When you think your slang is still all that and a bag of chips:

    8. When you STILL think that “a black fly in your chardonnay” is ironic:

    9. When you can't remember what you did yesterday, but you can remember a jingle from 25 years ago:

    10. When you play "name a more iconic duo" and it turns into "who that?"

    11. When you and your S.O. have fights about things that actually matter:

    12. When you get a craving for a childhood favorite and then remember its been discontinued:

    13. When you pinpoint the source some of your trust issues:

    14. When you remind yourself that, sadly, that game of M.A.S.H. wasn't very accurate:

    15. When you admit to yourself that all other men will NEVER live up to your first love:

    16. When you've got trigger words that take you away:

    17. When you cringe at something you did — decades later:

    18. When you're having problems adulting and know there is only ONE person who would understand:

    19. When you come home to visit and find your valuable possessions are gone:

    20. When kids fail to realize they're about to watch a classic:

    21. When you're so emotionally scarred, but still hold out hope for the best:

    22. And finally, every time you do this 😐: