This Is What Happens When You Tell The Internet To Delete A Photo

    Australia's minister for immigration had a rough, rough day.

    Australia's minister for immigration Peter Dutton had his staff instruct reporters to delete a rather awkward looking photo of him yesterday. In retaliation, people took to sharing the photo - so as to make sure their friends knew not to show it to other people as well. It was everywhere.

    Peter Dutton wants this photo deleted, so please delete it ASAP! I'll just pin it here so you know which one it is.

    Overnight, the photo ended up on Reddit's photoshop battles subreddit, and redditors had an absolute field day.

    Suddenly, Dutton's half-lit face was popping up all over the place.

    On movie posters...

    In actual movies...

    With lightsabers...

    With the power rangers...

    As Batman...

    On late night TV...

    In the promo shots for a hot new Netflix-produced series...

    Outside your window...

    As a reptilian overlord...

    Checking up on his neighbour...

    Strolling through space...

    And finally, getting a lil' smooch from John Travolta.

    All of this just a reminder to never ask the internet for a favour, ever.