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    7 Surprising Wins Of Intermittent Fasting

    For many years, adopters of intermittent fasting (IF) schedules kept it a secret because they didn't want to hear a lot of criticism from uninformed friends, family and coworkers. Some of the longer-term benefits of IF might not be obvious to those just starting or considering adopting an IF schedule, but because the Fast-5 version of IF has been around since 2005, a 2016 survey was able to reveal some long-term benefits. (Fast-5 is a simple daily schedule of a 19-hour fast, including sleeping, with a 5-hour eating window). Many of the survey respondents have maintained their intermittent fasting schedule for years, long after reaching their goal weight, because of these benefits:

    1. Decluttering

    2. Time

    3. Money

    4. Appetite Shift

    5. Less Waist = Less Waste

    6. Study of One

    7. Appetite Correction

    8. The Biggest Gain

    If we look at each of these seven wins as a stand-alone benefit, it's easy to overlook the biggest gain that intermittent fasters talk about: a more enriched life. With the burden of excess fat lifted, and more time and energy available, a few more dollars to work with and a shift toward working with their body's natural rhythm rather than fighting it, the world becomes a brighter place with new opportunities.

    Simplicity opens new possibilities for expanding life in ways that get lost in our culture. Perhaps the best part about these seven wins is that, taken collectively, they can help people become more responsible, thoughtful citizens of the planet. The capability is built into all of us as humans, and because it's built in, it's free for life.

    The word "diet" can change from a burden to encouragement by reading it as an acronym: D-I-E-T, short for "Did I enrich today?" An enriched, whole-life diet goes far beyond food and weight loss; it's about filling life not with food but with meaning, challenge, human connection and play.