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Welcome To Turn Up To Vote Week At BuzzFeed!

Register now, vote in November.

Right before Britain voted to leave the European Union, this chart went viral:

In short, the old voted to leave. And it looks like the old voted a lot more than the young. The young — with far longer to reckon with the change — are stuck with the result.

Here in the U.S., if you want to vote in November, you have to think ahead. That’s because most states have voter registration rules that mean that if you just show up without having registered, you’ll be turned away. Many young people forget to register the first time out, and lose their voices.

The voter registration rules vary in each of the 50 states, and many of them still won’t let you register online. Fortunately, you can figure that all out here: We’re partnering with a nonprofit, nonpartisan app called TurboVote, which is devoted to making voting easy.

And if you don’t do it now, BuzzFeed will be reminding you all week with videos and articles about what it means to be American and to think about the next 20, 30, 50 years of our country.

Click here, and you can easily sign up to vote in November in your state.

So we hope you’ll register now, and Turn Up to Vote!