16 Crucial Stories About Hillary Clinton And Her Campaign

From Chappaqua to Comey, we sought to tell her story and the story of a long campaign.

When did Hillary Clinton's campaign for president begin? Was it April 12, 2015, when she announced this run? Or Jan. 21, 2007, when she announced the last one? Feb. 6, 2000, when she announced her run for Senate? Or some earlier moment — Wellesley, why not? — when she first saw how she could reach that prize?

We started covering the campaign — this campaign — soon after Barack Obama's 2012 re-election. Ruby Cramer reported on the early stirrings — a provocative tribute video, a ripple of expectation in her hometown of Chappaqua, and on the real mechanics (in February 2013) of a presidential campaign.

Cramer reported on people — Huma Abedin, for instance — who would later become central to the 2016 narrative; and on positions and comments that would later emerge as pivotal. In 2014 she started chipping away at a story few reporters have tried to approach since the 1990s: What is it like to know, and be, Hillary Clinton? And that November, Cramer offered the definitive look at the shadow campaign.

Here's what happened next, in her and other BuzzFeed News reporters' words and two memorable interviews:

1. The 20-Year Hillary Clinton Humanization Project (April 2015)

2. Two Actual Everyday Americans Walk Into a Hillary Clinton Event… (May 2015)

3. The Robby Mook Playbook (June 2015)

4. Hillary Speeds Through Parade, Ignores Protesters, Ropes Off the Press — and Insists She’s Having Fun (July 2015)

5. Secretary Clinton, What's Good? (October 2015)

Clinton appeared on BuzzFeed's Another Round podcast for an unusually open conversation about race, pop culture, and why she never seems to sweat.

6. How Voters Try and Fail to Talk to Hillary Clinton (and Sometimes Succeed) (August 2015)

7. There’s No Evidence in Clinton White House Documents for Clintons’ Story on Anti-Gay Law (October 2015)

8. Hillary Clinton Wants to Talk to You About Love and Kindness (January 2016)

9. Clinton Faces Hard Reality of Unity in Trump Country (May 2016)

11. DNC and Clinton Campaign Operations Started Merging Before Sanders Dropped Out (July 2016)

12. Pneumonia Episode Highlights the Protective “Cocoon” Around Clinton (September 2016)

13. How a Decision in May Changed the General Election (September 2016)

14. Hillary Clinton Already Knows the Bad Thing You Said (October 2016)

15. WikiLeaks Appears to Release Hillary Clinton’s Paid Speech Transcripts (October 2016)

16. 24 Totally Normal Hours on the Trail With Hillary Clinton (October 2016)

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