21 Things Only Brutally Honest People Will Understand

    I'm not being mean, I'm just telling the truth.

    1. You prefer to just tell it how it is.

    2. Which doesn't always make you the most popular person in the world.

    3. Honesty doesn't embarrass you at all, and why should it?

    4. Which means you can be a bit too open about intimate details.

    5. You're always stuck with the dilemma of saying something honest or not saying anything at all.

    6. But you've pretty much mastered when it's best to just keep your mouth shut.

    7. People who don't know you can think you're rude or blunt.

    8. Which means making friends can be difficult.

    9. And you've definitely wondered how you have the friends that you do.

    10. But no matter what, your friends know they can always turn to you when they need help or an honest opinion.

    11. However, because you're so honest, they might not like what you have to say.

    12. Dating is just one big shitshow for you because you don't get all the games people try to play.

    13. You're first in line to tell your friends/partner if they're acting up.

    14. And sometimes your honesty can sound a little mean.

    15. But it's not your fault that the truth hurts.

    16. Your honesty always comes from a good place, even if it doesn't seem like it.

    17. Being honest doesn't mean being nasty. In fact, it's the complete opposite because mostly you're just trying to help.

    18. People think because you're so honest you don't have feelings, which is stupid because you're a big softy at heart.

    19. You just don't understand people who aren't honest.

    20. Because at the end of the day, what's the point in lying?

    21. Being honest is a chore, but somebody's got to do it.