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18 Moments You'll Only Understand If You Detest Physical Contact

We can have a conversation without you holding onto my arm, thank you very much.

Physical contact.

1. The indescribable terror you feel when you run into an acquaintance on the street, and they lean in to hug you.

2. You don't understand how humans (the most "civilized" beings in the animal kingdom) have come to equate tickling with "fun."

3. Or why some people feel the need to tap you on the shoulder to get you to listen to them during a conversation.

4. You can tolerate the first tap.

5. But then he gives you a second tap on the arm.

6. And sometimes even A THIRD TAP.

7. Your SO tells you that you're "not a very affectionate person."

8. And if you're single, if someone is a bit too handsy while flirting with you, they become instantly repulsive in your eyes.

9. You always feel guilty for not hugging and kissing every single cousin, aunt, uncle, and dog before leaving a family gathering.

10. The pit in your stomach that you get when you realize that you'll have to brave the crowds to do your holiday shopping.

11. You've occasionally dodged a kiss from YOUR MOM.

12. If a friend tells you some bad news, you're not entirely sure how long your hug should last.

13. When a friend hugs you because you "look like you need it."

14. The animal you relate to the most is the hedgehog.

15. The cactus is your spirit animal.

16. When you arrive at a party and realize you have to greet everyone.

17. Or when you have to go and you can't simply wave goodbye.

18. And, of course, everyone is always shocked to realize that you never actually hated them.

This post was translated from Spanish.