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14 Reasons Splitting The Bill Is An Absolute Nightmare

"Does everyone have cards?" If you have chronic fear of large birthday dinners, you'll be happy to know that the Bank of America Mobile Banking App can help you bypass all this hassle.

1. It starts with the most awkward of pleasantries.

It's the first moment you really feel the, "Who's paying for this?" anxiety.

2. Once you get past that, there's always the question of a certain honored guest...

3. Someone, bursting with pride about having hit the ATM earlier, says everyone should pay in cash.

4. But now the closest ATM is not... err... ideal.

5. While the discussion of how to pay ensues, you realize you'll have to do math either way.

A daunting task.

6. You ask the server to split the bill when they walk by, but they act like they didn't hear you.

7. So everyone throws cards down in a fury, not fully agreeing to the idea but unsure of how to proceed.


9. Two people use the time of chaos to assert power. Everyone else watches their back-and-forth bickering.

10. The server returns demanding answers, and everyone feels their lingering presence.

11. Someone decides that writing an essay of instructions on the back of the receipt is the best option.


13. Out of nowhere, someone throws cash on the table, claiming they have to leave right that instant.

14. And you end up covering more of the bill than you should because you're a martyr.

The good news: If you have the Bank of America Mobile Banking App, splitting a bill is almost not terrible at all.

Bank of America, N.A. Member FDIC