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9 Insane Things Your Vagina Absolutely Doesn't Need

Why is labiaplasty a thing?

There are no two ways around it: Vaginas are INCREDIBLE.

And no matter what, if you have a vagina, it is perfect JUST the way it is.

Anyone with a vagina has probably heard the ruckus that is all of the brands and doctors who sell products and procedures meant to "enhance" your cooter. We're here to say that your clam needs NONE of that commercialism.

Sure, if you've got a medical condition and your doctor recommends a procedure to live a healthier life, some of these things aren't harmful. But you should never feel pressured into achieving societal expectations of an "ideal vagina" — because there is no such thing.

1. You don't need to use My New Pink Button, a genital cosmetic colorant that DYES YOUR GENITALS pink.

2. You don't need ThermiVa, a temperature-controlled radio frequency treatment that can strengthen your vagina "with no downtime."

3. You don't need to get your vagina steamed, even though Gwyneth Paltrow swears by it.

4. You don't need to buy these Kegel exercise balls.

5. You don't need a clitoral hood reduction, aka clitoropexy.

6. You don't need to use special pH wash on your vagina to get rid of odors.

7. You don't need the Femilift Laser, which is a treatment that "offers a solution for vaginal dryness, loosening, incontinence," and what the site refers to as "CANYON VAGINA."

8. You do not need any liposculpturing (IS THIS EVEN A REAL WORD??????) of your labia, laser vaginal rejuvenation, or a labiaplasty reduction treatment.

9. And you certainly do not need to enter your lady parts in a vaginal beauty contest.

You know what would be awesome for your vagina? Acceptance.

Body Positivity Week is a week of content devoted to exploring and celebrating our complicated relationships with our bodies. Check out more great Body Positivity Week content here.