23 "It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia" Quotes That’ll Make You Laugh Even If You Haven't Seen The Show

    "Can I offer you a nice egg in this trying time?"

    You'll laugh at these if you've ever...

    1. Looked for a job:

    2. Been told to calm down:

    3. Disagreed with a politician:

    4. Desperately needed attention:

    5. Waved at someone only to find out that they were waving at the person behind you:

    6. Been mainly focused on food:

    7. Listened to music and it, surprisingly, hit home:

    FX / Via flannellinedjeans.tumblr.com

    8. Tried to figure it all out:

    9. Tried to get out of talking to someone:

    10. Been in the same room as someone who was crying and you didn't know what to do:

    11. Taken a picture of yourself:

    12. Had to fake your way through a topic that you knew nothing about:

    13. Had homework in December:

    14. Just really not been interested:

    15. Been caught off-guard in a conversation:

    16. Witnessed someone do something that definitely isn't going to work:


    17. Thought about that one person who only comes to you when they need something:

    18. Heard from your best friend that someone was mean to them:

    19. Felt strong emotions towards cheese.

    20. Been cordial to an ex:

    21. Been told that you aren't the most graceful dancer...

    22. And embraced it:

    23. Finally, you'll laugh at this if you've ever been completely over it all: