17 Craigslist Ads That Will Make You Say, "How About No"

    Some things should just be thrown away.

    1. I'm already running very far away from this mask:

    2. Is there anyone near 9th and 3rd that could pick this up for me?

    3. I can't even begin talking about all of the health and safety violations for this one:

    4. This will be on display at the Smithsonian in 50 years:

    5. It only needs a little sprucing up:

    6. For all of the Beatles fans out there:

    7. Honestly...no:

    8. You couldn't pay me to allow this creature into my home:

    9. This leaves me with a lot of questions:

    10. This sofa rocks:

    11. There are millions of others like him. You don't need this one:

    12. Hey Kyle, here's one for you:

    13. You shouldn't want to buy anything from a stranger labeled as "overly aggressive":

    14. Nobody buy this. Nobody needs this:


    16. This is probably going to be on the next episode of "How It's Made" because I'm pretty sure we're all curious:

    17. And finally, that one piece to make your house feel like a home:

    H/T r/BestOfCraiglist