Hey BuzzFeed Community Members, We Want Your Opinions

    We know you've got opinions!

    Has anyone ever told you that you were too judgy? You had too many opinions? Because if so, it's now your time to shine.

    BuzzFeed is looking for Community members to take a short 5–10 minute survey about points and trophies and we need your help.

    Take the survey and we'll put you in the running for one of two $25 Amazon gift cards that will go out to two lucky participants.

    The survey is only open to those over 18 years old and located in the United States. The deadline to take it is 11:59 p.m. EST on March 19.

    If this sounds like you, take the survey here and thank you for helping us make BuzzFeed even better for users everywhere. If this doesn't sound like you, if you're under 18, or if you don't live in the U.S., I'm not going to let you leave empty-handed. Please enjoy this picture of a dog I saw on Reddit the other day.