14 Things That Happen In "Interstellar", Ranked By Scientific Accuracy

    An astrophysicist ranks parts of Interstellar, from the totally plausible to the "you'd definitely need aliens for that". SPOILERS AHEAD, of course.

    So, does the science in Interstellar make sense?

    Professor Kip Thorne, the science advisor and executive producer of Interstellar, has written an excellent book called The Science of Interstellar in which he describes several plot points and how he thinks they could be made to agree with our understanding of physics.

    That's not what we're doing here. The goal of this post is not to detract from the storytelling or criticise the writers (it's fiction, after all!) but rather to give you an idea of what astrophysicists have actually seen, and how that compares with what you see in the movie.

    1. There's a solar-powered drone that stays up for decades.

    2. There's a black hole that looks like this.

    3. There's an artificial wormhole that looks something like this.

    4. Time is slowed down on the planet that orbits the black hole.

    5. Getting to Saturn takes two years.

    6. There's a planet orbiting a black hole.

    7. The black hole-orbiting planet has huge waves.

    8. The mysterious "gravity equation".

    9. There's isn't really a proper flight plan for visiting the candidate planets.

    10. The universe has a fifth dimension.

    11. A planet has frozen clouds.

    12. They collect "quantum data" from a black hole.

    13. Someone jumps into a black hole...

    14. ... and ends up somewhere that isn’t inside the black hole.