17 Totally Relatable Things New Moms Should Never Feel Guilty About

    No shame in the new mommy game.

    1. Your postpartum body, no matter what it looks like now.

    2. Staying in sweats all freakin' day if you please.

    3. Holding, snuggling, kissing, and loving all on your sweet baby, even if "they" call it spoiling:

    4. And doing something for yourself and enjoying the hell out of it.

    5. Checking in on social media from time to time, instead of being "in the moment" every moment.

    6. Sleeping when the baby sleeps...instead of doing the dishes, washing loads of laundry, or answering unread emails.

    7. Or using that baby nap to unwind however you damn well want to.

    8. Being a little overprotective and anxious all the time.

    9. Not allowing visitors for however long you need.

    10. Having a case of the baby blues.

    11. Not wanting to have sex, like, ever again.

    12. Your choice to feed your baby whatever way works for you two.

    13. And being totally obsessed with your little cutie and making sure everyone knows it.

    14. Not taking advice you didn't ask for...and maybe some of the advice you did.

    15. Wanting to stay home with your baby all day and night.

    16. Or itching to get back to work.

    17. And not knowing what the hell you're doing.