16 Moms Who Will Make Stay-At-Home Moms Laugh Quietly 'Cause The Baby's Sleeping

    "I just want someone who can go to Target with me."

    1. This mom, who will need to make a few adjustments for this to work:

    2. This mom, who is her kid's entertainment:

    3. This mom, who is unapologetic about comfort:

    4. This mom, whose pet peeves have evolved a little:

    5. And this mom, who has real AF mom friend goals:

    6. This mom, who learned a whole new language:

    7. This mom, who needs company for all the right reasons:

    8. This mom, who is definitely on auto-pilot these days:

    9. And this mom, who is going to get that minute alone if she has to take it:

    10. This mom, who is definitely not Netflix n' chilling anymore:

    11. This mom, who has priorities:

    12. This mom, whose manicure just couldn't hold on:

    13. This mom, who has learned to strategize:

    14. This mom, whose kid really wanted to help with the chores:

    15. This mom, who definitely set the record straight:

    16. And this mom, who is really just all of us: