15 Mom Threats That Are Brutally Savage, Weirdly Hilarious, And Just Totally "Mom"

    "I will reverse Pilgrim you!"

    1. This mom, who issued a gentle reminder:

    2. This mom, who will never forget what she went through for you:

    3. This mom, who got all the way scientific with her threat:

    4. And this mom, who got historical with hers:

    5. This mom, who knows how to hit 'em where it hurts:

    6. This mom, who doesn't mince words:

    7. This mom, whose threat may just be the most 2017 ever:

    8. This mom, who really said all she needed to:

    9. This mom, whose threat burns, oh it burns.

    10. This mom, who can probably make anything sound scary:

    11. This mom, who is not here for your status update:

    12. And this mom, who somehow makes a throat punch sound really sweet:

    13. This mom, who went with the tried and true:

    14. This mom, who is probably hurting herself more than her kids:

    15. And perhaps the most savage mom ever, who took it way, way too far: