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10 Weirdest Superstitions From Around The World

Do you avoid the number 13, chain e-mails and black cats? Or are you far too rational to believe in old wives' tales? Take a look at some of the most bizarre superstitions from around the world and if you want to create your own - submit a chain letter to bring some bad luck to your own friends.

1. Don't eat lettuce if you want to have children

2. Carrots Are Good for Your Eyesight

3. Not forwarding chain letters will give you bad luck

4. An awkward silence means an Angel is passing over

5. Eat grapes at midnight for good luck

6. It's bad luck to chase someone with a broom

7. Never give a Russian woman an even number of flowers

8. Pass a newborn baby through a rind of cheese

9. Stay forever young by carrying an acorn

10. Don’t Knit on a Doorstep During Late Winter