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How To Escape The Office In 12 Easy Steps

You've got to get out of the office, but you need to be smart about it. Follow these steps, and soon you'll be far away from the corporate world and closer to enjoying an Applebee's Lunch Combo.

1. Make sure everyone at the office is hard at work.

2. Pass along any pressing assignments you have to other people.

3. Clutter your desk a bit so it looks like you're "hard at work."

4. If your boss walks by you at any time during your preparation, make sure to look busy.

5. Remove any business attire that's too flashy.

6. Create a good distraction.

7. Immediately start moving away from your desk, but only when no one is looking.

8. Ignore anyone who tries to get in your way.

9. However, if your boss asks where you're going, have a good excuse ready.

10. When you're less than 20 feet away from the elevator, MOVE FAST.

11. Get in and immediately close the doors as fast as you can.

12. AAAAAAAAAAAND you're off to lunch without a care in the world.

If all else fails, you can always deploy your Industrial Strength Lunch Decoy to cover you while you're gone.

Beautiful job, brave one. Enjoy your well deserved lunch.