17 Gifts You Just Know Scully's Given Mulder On His Birthday

    I want to believe.

    54 years ago on this day, October 13, Special Agent Fox Mulder came into this world.

    According to The X-Files creator, Mulder and Scully are no longer together in the upcoming revival. But surely Scully's given her ex-boo a fair few presents in the time that we've missed.

    Here are some things that were probably among them:

    1. New pencils.

    2. Some better clothes.

    3. Like a shirt that actually fits.

    4. A new poster.

    5. Some actual groceries.

    "Mulder, you are an ADULT." -Scully, probably.

    6. A baseball bat, for old time's sake.

    7. A healthy dose of skepticism.

    8. A list of approved phrases and words he can pull off.

    9. A Cher CD, to remember that great concert.

    10. An Elvis CD.

    11. A gift certificate to a tattoo parlor, so he can finally get his UFO tat.

    12. A subscription to an alien conspiracy tabloid.

    13. A withering stare.

    14. Superstars of the Superbowls, just to get rid of it.

    15. Sunflower seeds.

    16. A grudging acknowledgement of possible paranormal activity.

    17. And we all know what kind of birthday party Mulder would have demanded Scully throw him.

    Happy Birthday, Mulder!