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19 Posts About Student Loans That Are Too Real

What kind of Black Friday deals you got, FAFSA?

We asked the BuzzFeed Community for the best posts about student loans. Here are the painfully funny results.

Note: Not all submissions were sent in by Community users.

1. When you finally get that financial aid letter, and it's less than thrilling:

2. When you try to squeeze every cent possible out of the system:

3. When you're convinced they've found every reason possible to withhold that cold, hard cash:

4. When you panic a little and start getting desperate:

5. When you start weighing your options:

6. When you go out to have a good time but your brain suddenly attacks you:

7. When you try to reach out, and FAFSA's like, "New number, who dis?":

8. When you realize the government might wrongfully suspect you've been living in luxury:

9. When you start getting rightfully defensive:

10. When you see this happening and begin crying on the inside:

11. When you realize that alternate universes would probably hand you the same struggles you're experiencing:

12. When financial aid sends you "more" aid for your consistent hard work:

13. When you start to realize the student loan system might be bullshit:

14. When you realize FAFSA is just waiting in the darkness to stomp on your hopes and dreams:

15. When you try to change the subject away from your crippling debt:

16. When you learn the hard truth about the price of schooling:

17. When reality starts to hit, and hard:

18. When you do some detective work to figure out why you didn't just get a full scholarship:

19. And when you start to wonder what kind of game your school is playing with you:

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