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27 "Bob's Burgers" Moments That'll Make You Laugh Every Time

"My heart just pooped its pants."

We asked the BuzzFeed Community for their favorite Bob's Burgers moments. Here are the hilarious results that'll make you cackle like Louise.

1. When Bob taught Tina how to drive, and she hit literally the only car in the parking lot.

2. When Linda sang to her little porcelain babies.

3. Every time Gene said something inappropriate because he didn't know what it meant.

4. When Jimmy Jr. sang Tina his half-baked love song while dressed as a horse.

5. When the cow peed all over the Belcher house.

6. When Louise pooped in the pool and named it Jezebel.

7. When Teddy, a good friend of the family, didn't even know Bob's last name.

8. When Louise helped Gene dress and look exactly like Bob.

9. When Tina shared this compelling information with the health inspector after he found out she's a fry cook.

10. When the guidance counselor read the kids' stories to Bob and Linda — especially Tina's story about zombies.

11. The "Fart School for the Gifted" song.

12. When Tina's new friend at school is a bad influence, and she tells Linda to "not be a boob punch."

13. When Gene didn't understand how food worked.

14. Every time Linda was thirsty for Tom Selleck.

15. When Bob began to hallucinate after being trapped in the walls of their house for hours.

16. Linda's Thanksgiving song, performed in her old bridesmaid dress.

17. When Gayle sang her song about cats.

18. Tina's "everything is OK" face.

19. When Tina got her prized possession back.

20. When Louise fell in love with Boo Boo at the Boyz 4 Now concert.

21. When Gene sang about his fear of snakes.

22. When Tina summed up every crush you've ever had.

23. When Linda was the most hardcore crafter on the streets.

24. When the Belchers displayed Gayle's paintings of animal butts in the restaurant.

25. When Tina decided to read her erotic friend fiction in front of the whole school.

26. When Linda was the best wife ever.

27. And of course, when Tina gave us this A+ pickup line.

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