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18 Unsettling Incidents Guaranteed To Freak You Out A Bit


We asked the BuzzFeed Community to tell us which inexplicable incidents scare the heck out of them. Here are the chilling results.

Note: Not all submissions are from Community users.

1. The 33,330-foot fall and survival of Vesna Vulović:

2. The Hollinwell incident:

3. The reincarnation of the Pollock twins:

4. The Solway Firth Spaceman:

5. The deserted Mary Celeste:

6. The Bloop:

7. The mysterious deaths on Overtoun Bridge:

8. The Phoenix Lights UFO sighting:

9. The disappearance of the princes in the tower:

10. The "Wow!" signal:

11. The mysterious identity of murderer Bible John:

12. The 2016 disappearance of Dutch and British shipwrecks:

13. The hauntings at Toys "R" Us in Sunnyvale, California:

14. The moving coffins of Chase Vault:

15. The Atlas Vampire killing:

16. The unidentified Isdal Woman:

17. Missing Northwest Orient Airlines Flight 2501:

18. And the 11-day disappearance of Agatha Christie:

Submissions have been edited for length and/or clarity.

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