13 Things I Wish Someone Told Me About Therapy So I’m Telling You

    For one, it can actually be fun.

    You don't have to talk to me for very long to learn that I'm in therapy, in no small part because I'm pretty guilty of sharing unprompted anecdotes that start with, "My therapist said..."

    Now that I've graduated past being a total therapy newbie, I've realized that there are things I wish I'd known ahead of time. If I had, I probably wouldn't have put off going for so long, not to mention I might've gotten more out of therapy sooner.

    So, I'm passing on a few findings from my experience so far in case it'll help. Just keep in mind that therapy is highly personal and not everything here will apply to every person.

    1. Some of the time, you're not going to like therapy — at least, not in the way you usually like things.

    2. But that said, having a space 100% dedicated to you will be unlike anything else in your life and you won't know how you functioned without it before.

    3. You shouldn't be discouraged if you don't have some big cinematic breakthrough — it's more about making lots of tiny changes.

    4. You can mistake not liking your therapist with not liking the things they're saying.

    5. Going to therapy doesn't necessarily mean having to face that one difficult thing you're not ready to talk about, so don't let that put you off.

    6. You're allowed to push back against your therapist — and whine and rant and argue.

    7. In fact, therapy is a a low-stakes place to practice all the more unsavory forms of communication, like standing up for yourself, arguing, apologizing, or being vulnerable.

    8. A session can feel frustratingly short, so it helps to think about what you want to talk about beforehand. Just don't expect to leave having covered everything.

    9. Not every session has to be super deep or emotional. Some days, you're just going to want to talk about a fight you're having with a friend or a minor work frustration and that's okay.

    10. But you have to be careful that you’re not just spending sessions ranting (unless that’s why you sought out therapy).

    11. Your therapist is a great person to ask, "Is it me or them?" re: many of life's complicated conflicts.

    12. Taking the time to jot down thoughts and reflect after each session is an extremely good way to get the most out of therapy.

    13. There's no right way to do therapy.

    What do you wish you'd known about therapy before you started?