This Is What 11 Everyday Foods Look Like Before They're Harvested

    Ever wondered where quinoa actually comes from??

    1. Brace yourself: THIS is what Brussels sprouts look like before they hit the supermarket.

    2. And, yes, peanuts look like this (and they grow underground!).

    3. This is what cashews look like before they are harvested.

    4. And this is a pineapple field!

    5. Cinnamon comes from the inner bark of a tree...

    6. And did you think that kiwi fruits grow on trees? Caaaause they actually grow on vines and are harvested like grapes.

    7. Sesame grows like this!

    8. And here's where dates come from!

    9. Capers are just the edible flower buds of a caper bush:

    10. Cocoa beans grow on trees, in these clusters:

    11. And when we eat quinoa, we're eating the seeds of these plants:

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    This post was translated from German.