17 Tumblr Posts About Birds That Are Funnier Than They Should Be

    Move aside, cats and dogs. It's BIRB time.

    1. This impetuous birb:

    2. These birbs at scream brunch:

    3. This birb on the run:

    4. These birbs trapped in civilization:

    5. This pure birb weapon:

    6. This flock of dames:

    7. This hip birb:

    8. This enamored ferret:

    9. This free birb:

    10. This sweet imposter:

    11. This party birb:

    12. This flock in millennial pink:

    13. This birb lie:

    14. This magical puffy artifact:

    15. These burgeoning birb artists:

    16. These omnipresent mystery birbs:

    17. And finally, the truth of all birbs: