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Here Are Some Ingenious Ways To Deal With Creepers Asking For Your Number

Is a creeper relentlessly bothering you? Give him Groot's phone number and send him on his way.

Creepers are an unfortunate fact of life.

So, what's the best way to deal with creepers and make them go away?

Thanks to this handy list of fake phone numbers, you have the perfect secret weapon to deal with creepers.

Calling any of these numbers will direct your creeper to various recordings and voicemails.

There's one that just plays a recording of Groot.

There's another one that sends callers to a Seattle radio station's "Loser Line," where if they leave a message it might be played on air.

Or, for the ultimate troll, give out this number: 985-655-2500.

Enjoy your (hopefully) creeperless evening!