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Someone Calculated How Much Things Cost In "Harry Potter" In Muggle Money

So basically, now we know how much a wand actually costs at Ollivanders.

As Harry Potter fans are well aware, wizards use a different form of currency from us Muggles.

Hagrid already explained the exchanges between denominations in the first book, but we still didn't know what these equal in Muggle money.

UNTIL NOW. Industrious Redditor aubieismyhomie went through the books and found out what things cost in galleons and sickles, then compared that to Muggle prices for similar objects.

Using this, aubieismyhomie estimated how much wizard money would be compared to Muggle money.

That means when Fred and George dropped this joke on Ron, they were trying to charge him about $250 for the item.

Harry's wand from Ollivanders cost 7 galleons, which comes out to only about $175.

Dobby got a salary of 1 galleon per week, which means he earned about $25 per week.

There's some inconsistency between the books and the movies over what the bounty was on Harry's head, but it's either 10,000 galleons or 100,000 galleons.

Oh, and that rag, The Daily Prophet? That cost anywhere from a nickel to 25 cents.

For the full list of known prices for items in Harry Potter, check out aubieismyhomie's Reddit thread.