Chris Evans Ranked The Chips In A Snack Pack And He's Like 90% Right

    Captain America loves Cool Ranch Doritos, apparently.

    Comedian Kevin Fredericks started a major Twitter conversation when he asked a simple yet complex question: How do you rank the chips in a variety snack pack?

    What is the correct way to rank these chips?

    You know the one, it's the pack that your mom bought for your school lunches and you'd always go for the Doritos first.

    The video is hilarious, with Kevin and his friends in a heated discussion about the proper ranking. But the Twitter replies have their own ideas too.

    @KevOnStage Cool Ranch Doritos BBQ Lays Doritos Classic Lays Cheetos Fritos

    In the video and in the tweets, Fritos are the most controversial item. And yeah, they're usually the last bags left in the box, if we're being honest.

    @KevOnStage Fritos are always last in my house. My kids call them struggle snacks. You only eat them if you have to and there are no other snacks.

    This is also kind of the no-frills pack, so a lot of people are noting how the rankings would change if Hot Cheetos were involved.

    @KevOnStage Let’s be real, this is the worst combo they sell. No hot Cheetos? No Funyuns? Regular-ass lays? This is the lowest tier of chips

    BUT, I want everyone to know that Chris Evans aka Captain America has weighed in, and he is...about 90% correct.

    The correct answer is: 1. Cool ranch 2. Cheetos 3. Nacho cheese Doritos 4. Fritos 5. BBQ lays 6. Original lays I will not be taking questions.

    Because the CORRECT ranking is this:

    Ben Schwartz agrees that Evans is very close:

    @ChrisEvans This is the closest I’ve seen so far without going over.

    But he may be too kind to Cool Ranch, even though it is a CLOSE 3rd.

    @ChrisEvans i KNEW u were a cool ranch guy i KNEW IT

    Anyway, please let us know your ranking so we can settle this as the internet intended: by yelling at each other via the comment section.

    @ChrisEvans the human dorito has spoke his mind