17 Signs That'll Make You Say, "Who Did This???"

    First you'll laugh, then you'll shake your head and think, "What were they thinking?"

    1. So...what should I do?

    2. I can think of one way, and — spoiler alert — it involves this sign.

    3. You start.

    4. Nice placement!

    5. But...wouldn't that make them not antique?

    6. This is why I have trust issues.

    7. But...but...

    8. Big mood.

    9. Hmmm.

    10. How severe, exactly?

    11. Never?

    12. Wait...what?


    14. Uh, thanks I guess?

    15. Actually, it looks like there's wine ahead.

    16. NBD, just on mile 6 of a 4-mile trail.

    17. Honestly, the communication here is as clear as any of the rest of these signs. Well done.

    H/T to /r/IronicSigns