14 Times People On Tumblr Told Really Great Stories

    Make yourself a cup of tea; these are well worth the read.

    1. The story of the Walmart flirt:

    2. The story of the raw egg:

    3. The story of the cannibal god:

    4. The story of the artist:

    5. The story of the chili burns:

    6. These stories about tough guys and cute animals:


    7. The story of the $5,000 library fine:

    8. The story of how Neopets ruined one's innocence:

    9. The story of the guy who would only drink out of a baby bottle:


    10. The story of the half mermaid:

    11. The story of the mom who was 100% correct but not very poetic:

    12. The story of the kid who was god:

    13. The story of the guy who became a chef thanks to Willy Wonka and a fetish:

    14. And finally, all of these stories about the magic of drunk girls: