Megan Fox Wrote A Poem To Machine Gun Kelly, And It's The Most Megan Fox Thing Ever

    You might say she out-Foxed herself this Valentine's Day.

    Megan Fox and Machine Gun Kelly have a relationship unlike any other.

    Their love is a deep love. So deep, in fact, that Machine Gun Kelly recently revealed that he wears a vial of Megan's blood around his neck.

    The blood-necklace thing is obviously a level of commitment that cannot be matched, but Megan's recent Valentine's Day poem in honor of her BF comes pretty close.

    To profess her love, Megan posted a few couple-y pics of the pair together on Instagram, followed by this...interesting poem.

    It starts out sweet, as if MGK makes her feel like a young girl in love: "...draped in the towering silhouette of a most unusually handsome boy."

    But then it takes a bit of a...~dark turn~.

    "Magical and haunted"?? "Kinetic and tortured"??

    Megan Fox stans, tell me this isn't THE most Megan Fox thing you've ever seen.

    Personally, I love poetry, but I do wonder about this line in particular: "The journey will likely be perilous but there is no destination without him."

    Why is their relationship going to be "perilous"??

    We're all aware that Megan has always been a bit of an "off the beaten path" celebrity, but this plus the necklace feels like a whole other level.

    Either way, they are clearly very happy together, and it's nice to see Megan happy!