25 Things All Stoners Will Relate To

    As told by That '70s Show.

    First, you know what to do.

    1. When someone asks you what you like doing and this is pretty much the only thing in your head.

    2. When you're trying to get rid of that smell before your folks come home.

    3. When munchies start complicating your day-to-day life.

    4. Although you must admit that food isn't the only thing that's better when you're high *wink wink*.

    5. When you're so damn high that you'll do anything to win Truth or Dare.

    6. When you wanna get your smoke on at 4:20 AM (because why not), but maybe make it but you can't find a lighter ANYwhere.

    7. Good thing you're a pro at improvising.

    8. Or you just remember where you stashed that emergency matchbox.

    9. When you ask for munchies at a friend's place, and they hand you something healthy and gluten free.

    10. Sometimes you find yourself doing things, and you have no real justification why you're doing it.

    11. When your throat's parched but the bottle of water is just out of reach.

    12. When you've had an epic session and dinner's just being served.

    13. And your favourite dish is on the table.

    14. When some heretic in the circle suggests that maaaybe you're not rolling it quite right.

    15. When there's a newbie in the circle and he starts coughing immediately.

    16. When you've just lit a fat one up and the doorbell rings.

    17. When your folks catch a whiff and give you the dreaded "drug talk".

    18. Everyone's got that one friend who doesn't smoke.

    19. And chances are, everyone's also lit up with a real stoner. Like, a dude who's really lived, man.

    20. You always have revolutionary ideas when you're baked...

    21. But you barely ever remember them later, do you?

    22. When you've just smoked the last of your stash and you realize that the next day will be a bad one...

    23. ...and when it's the next day.

    24. But then you get your hands on some primo stuff and everything is beautiful again.

    25. And of course, the giggs.

    Never gets old.