The Guy Who "Follows" His Wife Around The World Did An Amazing Tribute To "Game Of Thrones"

    Literally the one thing the #followmeto series has been missing – dragons.

    By now, you're probably aware of the massively successful Instagram series in which Murad Osmann "follows" his wife around the world, taking breathtaking pictures in various places.

    And while a lot of the places they go to are extremely beautiful...

    And definitely magical...

    They were missing one thing.


    Well, Osmaan finally obliged in this gorgeous tribute to Game Of Thrones. In it, in their classic pose, Osmann's wife – Nataly Osmann – walks towards her dragons, dressed as Daenerys Targaryen.

    Osmann told BuzzFeed:

    "We decided to come up with the idea from scratch, scenery from GoT are really distinctive and it is sometimes really hard to match them as there is a lot of CG done. Our initial idea was to create the world of Meereen as this was the starting point of the whole new adventures at the end of last season. When we created the image, it looked a bit like a computer game and we wanted to be more realistic."

    This is the first time that the duo has photographed Nataly in a fictionalised setting, and the first time they've paid tribute to a television show. Here's one that Osmann shared with BuzzFeed, that didn't make it to Instagram.

    He told BuzzFeed that both him and Nataly are huge fans of the show and that his favourite character is Tyrion, while Nataly's is Daenerys.

    You can follow more exploits of the #followmeto couple here.