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10 Tips For Surviving Your First Pride Festival

You're going to feel a lot of emotions going to your first Pride, but it'll be worth it. No matter who you are or whatever comes next, know that with an Allstate Agent, you can always be your true self.

1. Stay hydrated.

2. Bring a friend.

3. Wear sturdy shoes.

4. Wear sunglasses — to shade yourself from all the bright colors.

(Or shade yourself some other way.)

5. Bring a calendar.

6. Use paper signs.

7. Bring a phone charger.

8. Use oil-free face paint.

9. Bring a change of clothes.

10. Be yourself.

Be proud to be #OutHoldingHands.

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Add this to your Pride playlist! Click here to get Eli Lieb's "Safe In My Hands" single and dance remix free from Allstate.