People Are Sharing Signs That Someone May Be Untrustworthy And You'll Want To Take Notes

    "People who say what you want to hear, instead of what they think..."

    Look — in this wacky, weird, wild world, sometimes it's difficult to tell whether or not you should put your trust in another person.

    Well, this week when Reddit user labrise asked, "People of Reddit, what are the signs that a person should not be trusted?" The people of Reddit DID NOT disappoint when it came to expert tips.

    Here are just a few of the best tips and tricks you can use in your everyday life to try and decipher who is and isn't worth your trust:

    1. "They are the victim or the hero in EVERY story."


    2. "They never just say, 'I don't know.' Basically, if they're the type of person who always has an answer for everything, there's a good chance that — at least some of what they're saying — is made up."


    3. "They lie about every little thing. Especially when it's pointless little things. It means they've gotten comfortable living a lie."


    4. "If they feel a need to repeatedly remind you of how much you should trust them, you probably shouldn't."


    5. "Live by the concept 'Actions, not appearances.' For whatever reason, humans are terrible at predicting who is and isn't trustworthy based on outward looks alone, which makes honest and introverted people seem cold and scheming. So pay attention to what they DO, not how they LOOK."


    6. "They say ‘this is just between you and me’ too often."


    7. "If they treat animals like shit, run."


    8. "If someone tells you that you are 'amazing' or 'their favorite person,' when they really don't know that much about you. It's frequently a tool to set you up for manipulation."


    9. "If they say things like 'All of my exes are psychos!'"


    10. "If they hold intense grudges over stupid, small, petty things like someone no longer wanting to be their friend on social media."


    11. "People who say what you want to hear, instead of what they think."


    12. "Superficial friendliness. If you suspect someone may be faking friendliness, pay close attention to them when they walk away from someone else. You'll usually see the facade slip as soon as they think no one is looking."


    13. "If — when it comes to telling stories — they constantly try to one-up everyone, instead of just enjoying the conversation."


    14. "Their facial expressions don't match their words. They could be apologizing and saying how sorry they are, but smiling while doing it."


    15. "If you're not that close and they gossip about other people to you, they’re definitely gossiping about you to everyone else, too. The only exception to this rule, of course, being your top BFF who you always complain with."


    16. "If there are way too many details in their stories, they're probably fabricating them and trying to compensate with details."


    17. "They complain about everything but, when you complain, they tell you you’re being 'annoying' or that 'they have it much worse then you.'"


    18. "If they can't accept that others have opinions. Basically, if everything THEY say is true and a fact, but everything other than that opinion is wrong."


    19. "Honestly, sometimes it's best to just trust your gut feeling. Sometimes, there's just something off about a person and you don't know what it is, but you just know."


    There ya have it! Do you have a trick or tip about how to tell if someone can be trusted? Share your stories in the comments below!