People On Reddit Are Sharing Their Favorite Jokes That Never Get A Laugh And Just LOL

    "What’s Al Gore’s favorite type of math? Algorithms."

    Look, all of us have told a joke that didn't land AT ALL, no matter how hilarious we personally found it.

    Well, this week, Reddit user yimmay asked, "What is your favorite joke that never gets a laugh?" The answers were equal parts hilarious and groan-worthy.

    Here are just a few of the absolute best responses:

    1. "A woman walks into a library and asks if they have any books about paranoia. The librarian responds, 'They're right behind you!'"


    2. "I bought shoes from a drug dealer. I don't know what he laced them with, but I've been tripping all day."


    3. "Norway puts barcodes on the side of all its ships, so they can Scandinavian when they get back."


    4. "How do you stop your dog from barking in your back garden? Put it in your front garden."


    5. "Why was the pyromaniac so happy today? Because he got fired."


    6. "What is E.T. short for? Just has little legs, I guess."


    7. "What’s Al Gore’s favorite type of math? Algorithms."


    8. "Did you hear about the man who stole a calendar? He got 12 months."


    9. "Where should a king keep his armies? In his sleevies."


    10. "How do you kill a circus? Go for the juggler."


    11. "What street in France do reindeer live on? Rue Dolph."


    12. "What's green and has wheels? Grass, I lied about the wheels."


    13. "A photon checks into a hotel. The concierge asks, 'Sir, can I take your luggage?' To which the photon replies, 'I don't have any, I'm traveling light.'"


    14. "Why did the pirate spend so long saying the alphabet? Because he spent months at C."


    15. "You hear the story about the kid who fell down the well? It was a real tragedy. Turns out the kid couldn't see that well."


    16. "What kind of dog can do magic? A Labracadabrador."


    17. "Do you know why they have fences around cemeteries? Because people are dying to get in there."


    18. "What do you call a short buffalo? A buffalow."


    What's your favorite joke that NEVER gets a laugh? Share in the comments below!

    Jokes have been edited for formatting and clarity. H/T Reddit.