Female Veterans Completely Smash Misogynistic Views On Women In Combat In This Powerful Video

    "When I was out working in Ramadi, Iraq doing Team Lioness with Marine infantry units, my gender — especially a bleeding vagina — didn't matter."

    In this powerful video, four badass female veterans take on the notion that women shouldn't be in combat because of their periods. Watch these incredible warriors completely destroy that utterly misogynistic bullshit.


    In January 2016, the US military opened all combat roles to women. It didn't take long for some opposing ideas to surface.

    These are actual quotes from military personnel, taken from a Rand Research Report on Considerations for Integrating Women into US Special Relations.

    So here's what some actual female combat veterans have to say:

    "When I was out working in Ramadi, Iraq, doing Team Lioness with Marine infantry units, my gender — especially a bleeding vagina — didn't matter."

    "'Wait! I'm on my period!' said no female combat veteran ever."

    "When I served in Mogadishu in 1993, nobody cared if you were a man or a woman...everybody is a soldier first."

    "It doesn't matter whether you got a dick, whether you got a pussy — it matters how well we work together."

    "I never cared how much I bled, or even if the guys knew that I was bleeding."

    "In some cultures, when a woman is bleeding is when she is most powerful."

    "Watch out, ISIS! Here comes my vagina."