"Well THAT Wasn't Worth It": 16 Of The Worst Possible Things Anyone Ever Said After Sex

    "As a midwesterner, I genuinely slap my knee and say 'welp!' when leaving my friend-with-benefit's place after an evening of 'activities.' Ope!"

    Reddit user u/AMGBOI69420 recently asked, "What’s the worst thing you can say right after having sex?" and the comment section is FILLED with the most delightful and off-putting cringe I've seen on the internet recently. (And that's really saying something!)

    Two guys holding a cake that says "Congrats on the SEX"

    Some people responded with real things they've heard and said in the past, while others speculated about the worst hypotheticals they could think of. Here are the best replies, starting with real anecdotes:

    1. "My ex and I took each other’s virginities, and afterwards, he said, 'Well, we tried!'"

    Screenshot from "Easy A"

    2. "One guy told me, 'I felt like I was connected to an angel. Do you want to get married?'"

    Closeup of an angel statue

    3. "He announced he had to leave to 'defrost some hot dogs for a party tomorrow' — a party that I wasn’t even invited to! 🤦🏻‍♀️"

    A man holding a hot dog with tongs

    4. "The worst I ever heard was when someone asked me, 'How long you planning to stay? I don’t want you here all night.'"

    Screenshot from "How I Met Your Mother"

    5. "A girl asked me if I was a virgin. When I said no, she replied with 'well it felt like it.'"

    Screenshot from "The 40-Year-Old Virgin"

    6. "My partner grew up in a very sex-sheltered home, so we waited two years to lose our virginities to each other. I thought our first time was great, but then, he muttered, 'Well that wasn't worth it.'"

    Two pairs of feet with sad faces drawn on them

    7. "I once had a guy put his hand up for a high five and go, 'We did it!'"

    A man high-fiving someone

    8. "I found out my situationship was hooking up with me while in a committed relationship when he said, 'My one-year anniversary with Angie is tomorrow!'"

    Screenshot from "GLOW"

    9. "A guy actually said, 'Well, I guess we don’t have any chemistry!' Like, dude, I agree, but you could have waited a little longer before saying it!"

    Screenshot from "Friends"

    10. "I have really bad ADHD. When my husband and I first had sex, it was great. But once we finished, I said, 'Can I tell you about this documentary I’m watching? It’s about serial killers.'"

    Zac Efron as Ted Bundy

    11. "*slaps knees* Welp!"

    An older woman throwing the bird

    While the real-life scenarios were certainly cringy, some redditors came up with other hypothetical responses that I'm certain somebody somewhere has said before:

    12. "*Jim Carrey voice* 'I've had better!'"

    Screenshot from "Ace Ventura"

    13. "Let’s go over your performance review."

    "So you think you're sponge-worthy?"

    14. "We've been trying to contact you about your car's extended warranty."

    A dog holding a phone and pen

    15. "I just called you an Uber. It'll be here in five minutes."

    A phone with a ride-sharing app opened

    16. And finally, the worst line of them all: "Wait until Reddit hears about this!"

    A phone opened to the Reddit app

    H/T r/AskReddit

    What's the worst thing you've ever heard someone say after sex? 🍆💦